

Ashtanga Yoga Italia is honoured to host for the second time in Milan Ty Landrum, one of the most recognized exponent of Yoga internationally. With a PhD in Philosophy, Ty has a special touch for explaining in depth the practice and theory of yoga with delicacy and creativity. His passion as a teacher is to share the brilliance of yoga with anyone who wants to learn.

From October 4 to 6,  a 3 days Ashtanga Yoga Week-end Intensive that includes 3 Mysore style classes and a series of workshops exploring postural and energetic alignment, technique, breath and philosophy.


The intensive is open to all levels of practice. Nonetheless, a minimum knowledge of your sequence is required to attend the Mysore style classes in the morning.
In a Mysore-style asana class we practice together, mostly in silence, following the natural cadence of our own breath. This is not a guided class, so you must know your own sequencing to attend. Ashtanga Vinyasa will be the predominant style, but other Vinyasa-Krama styles are welcome. This is an opportunity to get individual attention and support.

And if you have any doubt, do not hesitate to contact us!

NB: Saturday and Sunday schedule is a tentative one. If necessary, the schedule may change to accomodate an additional Mysore shift. Please, stay open and flexible.

Friday, October 4:

→ from 6.30h: “MYSORE STYLE” 

18.00h → 20.00h – Lab 1: INTERNAL ALIGNMENT” – Hatha Yoga works with opposing patterns of breath and invites these to align. When the breath aligns, the body opens up, and the mental forces that shape experience begin to move. They break and swirl in the space of our awareness before dissolving back into the emptiness from which they arose. In holding space for this movement, we allow our minds to unravel. We allow ourselves to breath.  And we steep ourselves in the quiet exhilaration of coming undone.

This session introduces the visceral patterns of prana and apana, and begins to explore the yogic process of bringing these forces into alignment where it counts—on the medium of the breathing body. Expect a balance of philosophy and light somatic exploration.

Saturday, October 5:

→ from 8h: “MYSORE STYLE” 

11.30h –> 13.30h – Lab 2: BACKBENDING” – The practice of backbending is about making ourselves vulnerable, while finding the internal support to handle that vulnerability with elegance and grace. When we connect to internal support, backbending becomes an exhilarating experience, and one that encourages deep psychical release. In this session, we learn to work intelligently with the diaphragm, the psoas, the pelvic girdle and the obliques to create a long and supple spine that can reach gracefully into these difficult forms. This session is open to practitioners of all levels.

14.30h –> 16.30h – Lab 3: FOLDING AND TWISTING” – Folding and twisting share a common root, a common support in the exhale pattern of the breath. When we connect to that support, the postures open up in new and unexpected ways. The spine becomes more supple, and the sacrum becomes amenable to deeper movement, precisely because the joints have more support from within. In this session, we look closely into this common pattern, and we learn to use it to deepen into an array of folds and twists from the Ashtanga syllabus.

Sunday, October 6:

→ from 8h: “MYSORE STYLE” 

11.30h -> 13.30h – Lab 4: THE SECRET LIFE OF STANDING POSTURES” – Standing postures have a secret life, a secret inwardness, a secret drama that is easy to miss. They can seem simple and accessible when we first learn them, but as we feel into them with closer attention, they start to reveal an unfathomable depth. Each standing posture is a unique stage for the dynamic interplay of prana and apana, and when we learn to direct those subtle forces into one another, using the structure of the postural form, their drama begins to unfold. In this session, we learn to balance prana and apana within the standing postures of the Ashtanga Vinyasa system.

14.30h – 15.30h – Lab 5/6: PRANAYAMA AND MEDITATION” – Pranayama is the practice of giving space to the breath, and contemplating the energy that gives us life. This session will teach you a simple but potent pranayama sequence that you can practice on your own, a practice that can completely transform your experience of breathing. The session will end with a deep, embodied form of meditation.

15.30h – 16.30h – Lab 5/6: MULA BANDHA: PRACTICE AND PHILOSOPHY” – Some say that mula bandha is the toning of the pelvic floor. Others say that mula bandha is the experience of non-duality. What do these have in common? This workshop aims to clarify. Observing the subtle breath, we discover a thread of sensation that reaches from the pelvic floor to the soft palate, a thread that connects us to the primitive source of our vitality. By awakening our adoration for where that thread leads, we invite some of the finer experiences of mula bandha to arise. This session will involve light asana, pranayama and subtle visualization practices.

Mysore classes will runs on shifts which will be communicated closer to the event


The intensive takes place:

  • Friday at Ashtanga Yoga Italia, viale Doria 35 – Milan
  • Saturday and Sunday at Milano City Ballet, viale Sarca 336/F, building 16 – Milan


Ty Landrum is an author, poet, and somatic explorer, renown internationally for his innovative explorations of vinyasa yoga. With a PhD in Philosophy, Ty has a rare talent for elucidating the background myths and images of yoga, and using them to illuminate the wonders of the breathing body. His passion as a teacher is to share the brilliance of yoga with anyone who wants to learn.


to get yours!

>>  FULL INTENSIVE:  350€ → EARLY BIRD 320 for registration and payment by July 15.

  • SINGLE DAY -> FRIDAY: 100€
  • SINGLE DAY -> SUNDAY: 140€
  • SINGLE LAB: 60€

>>  MYSORE CLASSES ONLY:  110€ (3 classes)

And if you cannot attend all of them:

  • 1 MYSORE CLASS: 40€

To take part to the event it is necessary to get Anima Fenice ASD membership card for 2024 (which is 25€) and sign a medical liability waiver.

How to enroll


To register please send the following form to [email protected] saying precisely which session you’d like to attend. We’ll be back with availability and payment terms.

(specify if full event or which part)
Name and Surname:
Place and date of birth:
Full address of residence:
Tax or fiscal code: (if applicable)

Your slot is reserved upon payment.

Payments can be done cash or with bank transfer. For the latter, please make sure you cover the bank expenses/fees for the receiving side as well. If not sure about the bank fees, please add 10€ on top to your due amount.

Please note the registration fee already paid is neither refundable nor transferable.